first of all, don't read this until you've opened noah and the whale's BLUE SKIES in a separate window.
now that you've clicked the link and started the song, read on.
as you have probably discovered, i did NOT write a haiku a day during my 2week hiatus in west virginia. i have three more that i will post at the end of this post, but that is all i have for you. well, those three and this one that i will write right now, johnny on the spot.
well actually, be warned-- it isn't a haiku. it's more free verse.
things will change tomorrow
steady rise and fall, rise and fall
rapid breaths, deep breaths
like gasping for air when there is none
shallow breaths, ragged breaths
like choking for a scream when afraid
tomorrow is today and today is yesterday
all the days, they run together
fluid, broken
perfect in memory, they play through my mind
one by one they filter by
all the days and their events
their faces
their names
i see them and i wave
but they don't see me
gone, they are
..but yet to come
once reality
..but yet a figment of my imagination
i yearn for yesterday
i yearn for tomorrow
i yearn and i yearn today.
the three haikus:
scrabble ate my soul
when i played my mother, failed,
then cried a river
(just for the record, i really didn't cry. it just sounded nice in the poem.)
donuts in the snow
like swirling merry-go-rounds
laughter fills the air
tomorrow i'm driving to dc in the snow, and catching a plane. that plane will carry me to south africa.
god, thank you for giving me the passion to travel.
for giving me the capacity to care about people i love and even people i don't know. thank you for sights i've never seen, smells i've never smelled and foods i've never tasted. for culture. art. life. vigor. joy.
i love it all, and i love you.
i know you'll be with me tomorrow when i drive away, and i know you'll be here with my mom and brothers i leave behind. work in a big way in the remaining months of chad and rich's senior year, god. prepare them for college. may they grow deeper in their friendships and relationship with you and their love for those around them. especially my mom. continue to guide them and lead them... i can't wait to see them go out and find their own.
god, i lay this whole trip at your feet. i give it to you. i don't want to control any aspect of it, lord. because if i do, i'll mess up your purpose. so all i know to do is walk into this opportunity you've given me. i'm walking behind you, because you've prepared the way and your plan is perfect. may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight o lord, my rock and my redeemer. i don't always have a lot to say to other people, especially ones i don't know. but lord, whatever i do say i just want to speak it in love. thanks for making everything glorious.
clouds gather above
dense, full of snow and fury
on the road again
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
oh goodness
no haikus4u since 14 december.
i am slacking.
i am a slacker.
slacker |ˈslakər|noun informala person who avoids work or effort.• a person who evades military service.• a young person (esp. in the 1990s) of a subculture characterized by apathy and aimlessness.
it's all Christmas Break's fault.
me? apathetic?
no responsibility
it makes me that way
emma uebele called me out on my blog's lack of haikus and kindly wrote some lovely lines to help fill the void:
rain on a tin roof
pounds right into the pages
of this fireside soul
still to come-- haikus about feminism, scrabble, donuts, hipster snowmen, ice cream, irons, and much much more.
i am slacking.
i am a slacker.
slacker |ˈslakər|noun informala person who avoids work or effort.• a person who evades military service.• a young person (esp. in the 1990s) of a subculture characterized by apathy and aimlessness.
it's all Christmas Break's fault.
me? apathetic?
no responsibility
it makes me that way
emma uebele called me out on my blog's lack of haikus and kindly wrote some lovely lines to help fill the void:
rain on a tin roof
pounds right into the pages
of this fireside soul
still to come-- haikus about feminism, scrabble, donuts, hipster snowmen, ice cream, irons, and much much more.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
CUATRO (and 5)
this is what i think of when i say the word "cuatro": click here to see THE POWER OF 4.
it isn't spelled the same but it's the sound that matters.
today my car died
dead as a door-nail she is
old marley's ghost-- BOO
i'm currently listening to the songs of my teenage years on pandora. lots of all-american rejects, blink182, and yellowcard. they think they're so badass. ...sugar we're going down? wake me up when september ends? yehhh boi. it's just one of those nights, the type of night that calls for such music.
(this instance is probably exacerbated by the fact that i'm living (temporarily) under my mother's roof again and NOT on my own. although really i never lived on my own and probably won't for a long time. until.. idk, WHEN I GET A JOB.)
anyhow, poema de CINCO es aqui:
green day, lincoln park
so much angst and so much bark
oops that rhyme was bad
it isn't spelled the same but it's the sound that matters.
today my car died
dead as a door-nail she is
old marley's ghost-- BOO
i'm currently listening to the songs of my teenage years on pandora. lots of all-american rejects, blink182, and yellowcard. they think they're so badass. ...sugar we're going down? wake me up when september ends? yehhh boi. it's just one of those nights, the type of night that calls for such music.
(this instance is probably exacerbated by the fact that i'm living (temporarily) under my mother's roof again and NOT on my own. although really i never lived on my own and probably won't for a long time. until.. idk, WHEN I GET A JOB.)
anyhow, poema de CINCO es aqui:
green day, lincoln park
so much angst and so much bark
oops that rhyme was bad
Sunday, December 12, 2010
dos y tres
yesterday i drove home a day early to beat what my brother calls "the last storm of 2010." i don't think it will be the last one. as long as you love me so/ LET IT SNOW.
i drive home with speed
like a horse out of a gate
with blinders, i go
speaking of rich, i asked him to write one. the result:
grilled cheese is da bomb
i love it as much as mom
ROFLcopter out!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
hi coo 1.
n., pl., haiku, also -kus.
i plan to write a haiku every day for the next month.
i don't know where the inspiration will come from. tonight, i am tired and want nothing more than to go to bed. i'm not feeling very inspired. but i've committed to this endeavor and sometimes the greatest and most creative of works come out of exhaustion, or because of pressure, or in lieu of other things.
this is not one of them.
but, i am not looking for greatness at the moment.
i stretched myself with this little haiku and it feels good.
i found my inspiration in a woven piece of fabric from arizona. i use it to set really hot dishes of food on. ..but it's quite possible that this deviates from its intended use. the fabric is a creamy beige color, with fringe on the edges and two huge saguaro cacti in the middle. they sit against a vibrant setting sun. the sun hangs low in the sky, melting into the clouds.
the color of sky
sky, the place airplanes fly fast
the color of dreams

n., pl., haiku, also -kus.
- A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.
- A poem written in this form.
[Japanese : hai, amusement (from Middle Chinese bəij, pha·j) + ku, sentence (from Middle Chinese kuəh).]
i plan to write a haiku every day for the next month.
i don't know where the inspiration will come from. tonight, i am tired and want nothing more than to go to bed. i'm not feeling very inspired. but i've committed to this endeavor and sometimes the greatest and most creative of works come out of exhaustion, or because of pressure, or in lieu of other things.
this is not one of them.
but, i am not looking for greatness at the moment.
i stretched myself with this little haiku and it feels good.
i found my inspiration in a woven piece of fabric from arizona. i use it to set really hot dishes of food on. ..but it's quite possible that this deviates from its intended use. the fabric is a creamy beige color, with fringe on the edges and two huge saguaro cacti in the middle. they sit against a vibrant setting sun. the sun hangs low in the sky, melting into the clouds.
the color of sky
sky, the place airplanes fly fast
the color of dreams
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